We’re Chris and Melanie, the founders of No Pong. We created No Pong to be the best, most ridiculously effective, plastic free, all natural deodorant that we ourselves LOVE wearing every day.
You, our amazing customers, turned No Pong into what it is today!
HOW it started
When No Pong came to life in a suburban Sydney kitchen back in 2015, we honestly had no idea where it might go.
Our very first formulas showed how effective they were on a surf trip in the tropical Javanese Jungle.
In a small village, chasing remote waves, with no access to laundry and drenched in tropical sweat 24/7, Chris wore the same shirt for 3 days straight… and his shirt didn’t walk itself off his back.
In fact, it didn’t smell at all. What the… !
When we got back to Sydney and shipped the very first No Pong tin 10 years ago, we just wanted to give Australia the option of a great, effective, natural product made from quality ingredients, and make it affordable and accessible for everyone.
No “natural tax” or “premium pricing”.
However, it became clear pretty early on that there were a few things we were doing, that you guys wanted too. In no particular order:
Less of it. In 2015, supermarkets were still handing out plastic bags, and every kitchen cupboard had a plastic bag stuffed with plastic bags. Hands up if you remember this!
From day one, we vowed that all of our packaging would be plastic free. This was definitely not the easiest decision, but one we felt strongly about.
Plastic is so versatile, and so everywhere. Even glass jars used for cosmetics often have plastic lids. If we had have settled for having some plastic in our packaging, it would have made our lives much easier!
Instead we battled year after year with metal tins that were too tight or too loose, refining and improving each year. Instead we had to find mailer suppliers that didn’t use a thin plastic “tear strip” to open. Instead we mandated that every carton we make and ship is sealed with paper tape.
Aussies use over 10,000,000 plastic packaged deodorants every year, just from supermarkets (Source: Woolworths/Quantium & Coles/IRI Scan data).
In the last 10 years over 350,000 amazing customers purchased over 6,000,000 tins of No Pong, keeping droves of plastic packaged deodorants off the streets. But we still have a long way to go!
Being in touch with our bodies
First, let’s back up. The deodorant applicator was invented in the 1950’s as an innovation based on the ballpoint pen. We love a good innovation, but feel that this one actually moved us backwards with the idea that our armpits are somehow “dirty”.
We really believe that we could all be more in touch with our bodies. Our whole bodies. Not just our armpits. Our breasts. Our skin. Our gut, brain, heart, how well we sleep and how we feel when we wake up in the morning.
Our body is the one thing with us, no matter where we are or what we do, every single day of our lives and we feel there is a benefit having an open dialogue with it!
Some of our most humbling, literally life changing feedback has been from customers telling us that because of the way No Pong is applied by hand, they’ve early detected lumps and had them successfully treated.
Without having found these, they would be having a very different conversation with their family and friends. One recent example from 2021, is our incredible customer John. You can read about his story here – https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/bizarre-way-nsw-man-may-have-ended-up-with-melanoma-in-his-armpit-c-4500255
We knew that asking people to reshape the way they thought about deodorant and adopt new habits wouldn’t be easy. Changing 70 years of thinking was always going to be a challenge!
However, the litmus test is that even after a few months using a cream deodorant, we didn’t miss the applicator at all.
You guys!
It only takes one person to start a revolution. Now there are over 350,000 amazing customers, just like yourself, in this one! Without all of you, No Pong simply wouldn’t exist. Simple as that!
“We help others succeed” is one of the things we say around here. Whether that’s through using the product, or helping our customers do the things that are important to you.
We believe it’s more valuable for us to support your causes, rather than ours. Over the years we’ve donated over $100,000 to various charities and fundraisers, and most of that has actually been YOUR charities and fundraisers!
Whether that’s helping repair a school, chipping in to sponsor a sports team, or helping you hike the Kokoda trail for charity, you have taken No Pong on some incredible, important missions!
So here we are, 10 years on with 350,000 revolutionaries (plus all those that buy from our amazing stockists!) who not only love the product, but love and want to protect the planet just like we do.
We may have started No Pong in our kitchen, but the rest is result of people like you. Today, we want to thank you, our amazing No Pong customers and fans who continue to spread the word about how much the product means to you. None of the below would have been possible without you guys, so put your hands in the air!
Together 6 million tins of No Pong have kept a huge amount of plastic packaged deodorants off the streets…
Together we’re changing 70 years of conventional wisdom about deodorant…
Together we’ve changed the course of a small number of your lives for the better…
Together we’ve started a little revolution…



CUSTOMER LOVE: We listen. We understand. We realise that without you, our amazing customers we simply don’t exist. Customer Love is not only what we call it, it is exactly what it is. We want every customer to feel LOVED ? Get in touch with us to experience this first hand!
EXCELLENCE: We believe that our work is a reflection of we are inside, and that the most menial work can be a work of art, when done by an artist. When it comes to our ingredients, our manufacturing, our follow up and follow through, we do not stop until the job is done EXCELLENTLY!
WE HELP OTHERS SUCCEED: Nothing brings us more joy than finding ways to go beyond ourselves to help others. We use empathy, to put ourselves in others’ shoes. We find ways to support our customers to do the things that are important to you. When we all grow together, everyone wins!
These are not just “company values” from a Powerpoint presentation. They are our DNA. You can expect to experience these for yourself every time you interact with anyone, at all levels throughout our team. Why not see for yourself?