Natural Deodorant Guides:
Why do our armpits smell?
Why do armpits smell? Most people would think it’s something to do with sweat, and they’d be partly right. Armpit smell, or “pong” comes from bacteria feeding on sweat, but not just any sweat. There are actually two types of glands that produce sweat on humans; – Eccrine Glands – these are regular sweat…
What Are Some Of The Questionable Ingredients Found In Deodorants?
There’s a lot of talk about harmful ingredients in deodorants in many traditional deodorants & antiperspirants. However, we will start this article by saying that, in our view, the scientific jury is actually out in terms of how harmful some of the more questionable ingredients in traditional deodorant might actually be. After all, they’re used…
A Bit More About Us:
No Pong’s Magic Tin: How One Lucky Customer Won a $10,000 Getaway!
Can you imagine buying a tin of deodorant and winning a $10,000 holiday from it? That’s exactly what one of our customers, Simone, got to experience! We recently wrapped up our biggest giveaway ever! At the start of August, our No Pong Magician hid a Magic Tin somewhere in our warehouse. This tin wasn’t just…
Real Customer Stories from our No Pong Heroes
Switching deodorants can be tricky and sometimes daunting, as none of us want to go through our day smelling like B.O. while searching for the right one. We’re excited to share real customer stories from our No Pong heroes to make this process easier. You may have seen a few natural deodorants on the supermarket shelves,…
No Pong is Real World & Clinically Tested!
We set out to make No Pong the most effective and affordable deodorant humanly possible. Hundreds of thousands of our customers have given us awesome feedback, and as amazing as that is, we feel it’s important to take a scientific approach to developing and testing our products. That’s where clinical testing comes in. Clinical Testing…